About me
Born and raised in Mexico, with an interest in the world and a desire to learn more about it.
Master of Global Affairs & Policy at Yonsei University Fields of concentration on International Security & Foreign Policy, and International Development Cooperation.
A variety of experiences in the private sector, education and research areas, and nonprofit sector. Plus experience in various positions with diverse tasks and responsibilities.
At the Yonsei GSIS Human Rights Hub, a student-led organization aiming to promote, protect, and defend human rights for all people.
Alliances Executive Coordinator
At Tajín International Corp., the leader in Mexico and the United States in products derived from chili.
Research Assistant
At the University of Colima during my bachelor’s degree under two full-time faculty professors and researchers.
Relevant activities
MIKTA Young Leader’s Camp
Mexico Representative mock Foreign Minister
Part of the young leaders representing Mexico. Chosen as Mexico’s mock Foreign Minister in charge of representing the country; and writing and presenting the Joint Declaration resulting from the dialogue of all participants
Speaker at International Conferences
15th Annual Korea International Studies Association Conference. Seoul, South Korea
Presentation of the research work titled “The Falklands-Malvinas War: an unresolved conflict”.
VIII Encuentro de Estudios Coreanos en América Latina. São Paulo, Brazil
Presentation of the research work titled “El surgimiento del antiamericanismo en Corea del Sur y los efectos en sus relaciones diplomáticas con E.U.A. (The surge of
anti-Americanism in South Korea and its effects on their diplomatic relations with the U.S.A)”.
Founder of the social project “Ni tú, ni yo: nosotros” (Neither you, nor me: us)
To tackle the issue of teen dating violence in the community. Created as part of the bilateral youth Leadership Program for social action called
Youth in Action, by the Secretary of Public Education of Mexico and the Embassy of the United States of America in Mexico.
Mata, D. Diagnóstico y propuestas en relación a la política exterior de México para el sexenio 2018-2024 (Diagnosis and proposals in relation to Mexico’s Foreign Policy for the 2018-2024 six-year term). Estudios de las Culturas Contemporáneas XXV (V), 2019: 209-212.
Mata, D. “El surgimiento del antiamericanismo en Corea del Sur y los efectos en sus relaciones diplomáticas con E.U.A. (The surge of anti-Americanism in South Korea and its effects on their diplomatic relations with the U.S.A)” América Latina y Corea del Sur: intereses y desafíos comunes. Universidad de São Paulo. São Paulo: 2017, 22-43.
Other things to know
Native Spanish
Fluent English
Intermediate Korean
Interested in
Gender issues
Sustainable Development
Human Rights
Climate action
Something I believe
There are many situations when we lack empathy, and this is perhaps the biggest mistake we can make as human beings. I believe empathy can help us endlessly to better ourselves and better the world we live in.
Have a question?
Don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know what you are feeling, thinking, or doing.